Art is inherently linked to the artist’s own life experience.
We are not born of our own will but we can will happiness and fulfilment into being The meaning of happiness and existence is broad,
and the ways to experience them are infinite
I have attempted to reach fulfillment in many different ways-to let go of relentless negative energies in order to summon instead a world of contentment.
At first glance, we may seem separate entities, but tendrils of human contact tug this way and that. They reach across from an unseen world into our more familiar, tangible world.
The path we embark upon takes us through both these spaces on a journey towards an absolute truth, towards happiness.
I try to incorporate this concept into my work by drawing figures that illuminate the subject, using my voice to share its story in a way that amplifies it and makes it resonate.
My goal is to bring out the subject’s soul in order to allow it to embrace and awaken.
I believe that the influence and reach of my ideas will continue to spread independently from my existence.
Satoshi Dáte pursuits “truth” and share the idea to the people through his practice in the space between physical world and non-physical world. As people practices, anyone can reach to “As it is – Content” by creating the own path way. This individual connect others, ripples, and creating the better space. Dáte works it as a role model of this philosophy. To be centered, be away from the social frames. Cultivating different feeling and senses, to be able to express others, he practices performance, sound, installation, video, word, martial arts, painting and sculpture.
He shows his work annually at Gallery Full⇔Empty in Tokyo. Directing Tombolo cultural exchange project between Japanese and UK artists. He is also interested in working in education. He offers several creative workshop at children care home and primary school regularly in Japan. He has lectured various universities such as Westminster University, Kyoto Art University, Musashino Art University, Nara Women’s University and Toho Music University.
Other projects
Music collaborated with Myojyuji, a modern Buddhist temple in Tokyo and Twiggy, hair salon in Tokyo.
Working in city development project NPO Mirai in Tottori
できる 幸せであること、存在することの意味は多様で 道は無限に広がっている
Satoshi Dáteは物質世界と非物質世界の狭間にある「真実」を追求し、人と分かち合う。人は日々の鍛錬 – Practiceにより個々の道を作り、「ありのままの姿 – 満たされる」状態へとたどり着くことが誰にでもでき、個から個の繋がりにより広がり、よりよい世の中を創り上げられる。 Dáte自身をそのモデルとして、芯があるように、社会の枠の外に生きられるよう日々生活している。様々な感覚を育て、人に伝えるためにパフォーマンス、 音、 インスタレーション、映像、絵画、彫刻など多様な手法を用いた作品を制作。ロンドン在住。
Gallery Full⇔Emptyにて毎年作品展示。阪急梅田英国フェアにてTomboloディレクション担当。
過去に青山ヘアサロンTwiggy、東京妙壽寺にて音楽制作、文化庁主催の演劇公演衣装デザイン、地域活性化を目指す鳥取県NPOプロジェクト「未来」でプロジェクトに関わる。ロンドンファッションウィーク出展、Asia Design Prizeにてアジアの社会問題を訴える映像作品で金賞受賞。