There is a disaster in 10years time. We lose all information we have,but people are still desperate to have information. They make clothes
you can infer the personal details from.There are marks on the clothes. There is also personal information about the people; what
they do and what they like. I would like to convey that a high percentage of the information we use nowadays is not really relevant for our lives. We tend to have too much information, however we do not have the ability to deal with it as we do not know how to be selective. The broken pieces of ceramic on the floor that you see in the video are pieces of information from the past. We do not know how
to reassemble them. These have been destroyed by the disaster.
Searching for information/Picking up the pieces of her life/Trying to fit the jigsaw back together again
Directed and Music by Satoshi Dáte
Lyrics –
We lost our precious things, huh, what we saw
on our journey. Disturbing
I got a letter from a hundred years ago
Half of my life passed away
When you turn around, there was nothing left
Your steel legs won’t heal yourself
You just lost how to feel
My heart will die out and turn into chaos
Zephyr Bind
Silence, sigh be told. The baby is feeling something
Sigh and Deep water , my people, flash back is coming from a monitor
Disturb to Kindle

We are all born with different bodies
Distinctive hands, eyes, curves A balance
Through our bodies, we communicate with others With each breath,
we blend with life Your voice is warm.
Your countenance ripples
Your beauty is singular
Your hands in motion express
the contours of compassion Every part of your body has meaning
You are nature’s cipher, conveying your inner beauty
This is your personal splendor
Yours alone
With courage and dignity, it shines through moment by moment
手、目、曲線 調和
私たちはこのからだで他の個と会話する 呼吸をする度に、
からだの個々すべてが意味を持つ 生まれ持った暗号は、内なる美しさを伝える
その時、その時を、輝き続ける 勇気と自信と共に
Director: Satoshi Dáte
Choreographer: Satoshi Dáte
Cinematographer: Satoshi Dáte
Words: Satoshi Dáte
Editor: Ryo Honma
Music: Spirit Mill
Performer:Yoko Onodera
Voice: Esme Daly
Director and costume: Satoshi Dáte
Cinematographer and editor: Yuko Yama
Music: SpiritMill
music: Spirit Mill “Filtered”