
Road 0115-009
Roxanne and Red Curtain
Marysia, you are similar to the one 0126-12

I take photographs to capture layers of moments we have in time, mixed with my melancholy
There Is No Past No Future Just Presence
She Surrounds Herself With That Which Is Meaningful
She Does Not Believe In The Temporary
She Admires People With Vision And Passion
She Is Thoughtful And Affectionate, Questioning Our World And Society
She Is Looking For Something Inspirational

Imprint of the future
 There is a disaster in 10years time. We lose all information we have,but  people are still desperate to have information. They make clothes
  you can infer the personal details from.There are marks on the clothes.  There is also personal information about the people; what
  they do and what they like. I would like to convey that a high  percentage of the information we use nowadays is not really relevant for  our lives. We tend to have too much information, however we do not have  the ability to deal with it as we do not know how to be selective. The  broken pieces of ceramic on the floor that you see in the video are  pieces of information from the past. We do not know how
 to reassemble them. These have been destroyed by the disaster.

 Searching for information/Picking up the pieces of her life/Trying to fit the jigsaw back together again

 Directed and Music by Satoshi Date
Elementor #465
https://spiritmill.bandcamp.com/ Lyrics - We lost our precious things, huh, what we saw on our journey. Disturbing I got a letter from a hundred years ago Half of my life passed away When you turn around, there was nothing left Huh… Your steel legs won’t heal yourself You just lost how to feel My heart will die out and turn into chaos Zephyr Bind Silence, sigh be told. The baby is feeling something Sigh and Deep water , my people, flash back is coming from a monitor Disturb to Kindle
Cipher in English
Cipher in Japanese
Love and Poem 01 in English
Love and Poem 02 in English
Love and Poem 01 in Japanese
Love and Poem 02 in Japanese
Tsunagaraerumono – in Japanese 繋がれるもの
わたしのこころ – Watashi no Kokoro – My Heart
Do not complain
繋がれるもの   光が生まれたとき 私は同時に生まれた   ゆっくりと 人類が生まれ、育つまで そっと、じっと待った   意志を持ち始めた人々は 闇の中で私を温め続けた   やがて、言葉と共に忘れ去られ 無意識だけで語られていった   幾年も経ち、女は私をみつけだす 光が僅かにさす場所で、ほぐされ、やわらかになっていった 思いをよせる男への気持ちと共に私を紡いだ   溶け込みそうなほど細くなり、重なり、やがて衣となる 男は衣を羽織る また新しい私となる   湿らされ 転がされ いろとりどりになる   そして、そらに放たれる   粘りけのあるまっくろの渦からまもられ 培われてきた   人が絶えてしまっても 自然のこどもたちに渡されていく 少しずつ、少しずつ 時間をかけ、大切に   心を込めてまた育てられる     この世界がなくなっても     形を変え あらたな力を生み出していく