Satoshi Dáte’s Sculpture Exhibited in the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts 2024
Satoshi Dáte’s latest sculpture “My Cocoon 001” will be exhibited at the prestigious Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in 2024. This annual event, which dates back to 1769, is the world’s oldest open submission exhibition and has a rich history of showcasing the finest contemporary art.
Satoshi Dáte’s work will be displayed alongside pieces by renowned artists such as El Anatsui, Tracey Emin, and Christopher Le Brun. The Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition is known for its diverse and inclusive collection, bringing together works from established artists and emerging talents alike.
Experience the confluence of contemporary artistic expressions at one of the most revered art institutions in the world.
18th June – 18th August / London / UK
My cocoon – Routes of Being
At the heart of humanity lies a purity akin to the innocence and vulnerability of infancy. We construct protective membranes along our journey of growth, layering them with desires and fears. In the pursuit of self-preservation, we often find ourselves conforming to societal norms, relinquishing our sense of identity and self-assurance. These layers become burdensome, thickening and suppressing emotions, causing harm. Yet, through acts of integrity, we unveil our innermost selves and find solace in embracing our entirety. Living authentically reconnects us with our true essence, revealing our purpose in pure joy and profound happiness. Personal transformation influences our environment, fostering resonance and harmony among individuals. Together, we endeavor to craft a world where genuineness reigns supreme, allowing us to exist in our truest form.
Royal Academy of Arts, Sculpture Room
No. 1558
18th June – 18th August / London / UK
Satoshi Dáteの彫刻作品「My cocoon 001」が2024年度ロイヤル・アカデミー・オブ・アーツ – サマーエキジビションに出展
1769年から毎年開催されている世界最古の公募展であり、最高の現代美術を紹介してきた豊かな歴史がある。作品は、エル・アナツイ、トレーシー・エミン、クリストファー・ル・ブランなどのアーティストの作品と共に展示される。サマー・エキシビションは、多様なコレクションで知られ、巨匠アーティストから新進気鋭の アーティストまで 、さまざまな作品が一堂に展示される。世界で最も名高いアートアカデミーで現代芸術表現の総体を体験できる。
My cocoon – Routes of Being — コンセプト
Royal Academy of Arts, Sculpture Room
18th June – 18th August / London / UK